Culmination of the Journey, an ode to Spring

A picture I took at the beginning of the semester (Also my favicon)

It’s been a long semester while simultaneously blowing by in no time at all. I feel like that’s the consensus every semester, but this time I know what has filled the days in between has been truly worth my while.

In my time this semester, I have exponentially developed my skills and identity as a writer. I have also learned marketable skills that will serve as a foundation to grow myself professionally and guide me in the future.

Marketable Skills

“This has allowed me to put myself out there and develop new connections”

First and foremost, working on this website has shown me how powerful it can be as a tool for expression, identity, and communication. Before this class, I had no interest in having a website but I have been able to realize the potential benefits and as a result, I will most likely be keeping my portfolio into the future. The possibilities are truly endless. Though WordPress is not the most involved when it comes to creating websites, it does allow me basic skills in the tasks needed.

In my time with this portfolio I have also developed a foundational knowledge of the contemporary conventions within writing and content creation. This includes publication possibilities, professional identity, infographic design, and interviews, among others. This has allowed me to put myself out there and develop new connections.

Through this class, I discovered an internship that I was able to land in part due to what I’ve learned this semester. Now I write for a publication that uses WordPress just like my portfolio and without that, I don’t think I’d have a very easy time doing it.

“I’ve gained and lost, and succeeded and failed, and learned more about what it means to be a part of this world.”

The most notable addition to my professional self, however, is the added confidence. It’s an invisible addition that no link can take you to and no multimodal component can display, it’s all in the mind. Having the knowledge and the tools to achieve your dreams is just about as important as having the skills to make it happen.

In order for the work to be done, one needs to have the motivation and the footing to start it and this semester has taught me that I can do it and I can do it well if I put my mind to it, and anyone can just the same, all you need is some simple tools and knowledge used the right way.

Looking back, Moving forward

As in most semesters, this Spring I’ve gained and lost, succeeded and failed, and learned more about what it means to be a part of this world. But, this semester especially has been enlightening because of these experiences and I wouldn’t trade it for a thing.

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